Refund Policy

About 30 Days Money Back Guarantee

Regain Technologies gives you full money back guarantee within 30 days of purchasing of the product with 100% customer satisfaction.

We gladly issue full refunds on all Regain Technologies products within 30 days of purchase. All of our tools are the best to safely retrieve the maximum possible data because we use it ourselves, and there are millions of customers worldwide who are satisfied with it, and our technical support service is the best compared to other tools out there. We are 100% sure that all our products will be the best to exceed your expectations.


We Strongly Recommend our Demo Version

Our all Regain Technologies products are available with free demo version on our official website. Keeping in mind the millions of reasons behind corruption and many configurations, we highly recommend our users to try our free demo version of that particular tool that they want to purchase. We provide free demo version which has same functionality as full licensed version. By trying free demo version of our tools, you can easily evaluate our product before you make a purchase decision that’s why we strongly recommend our all users to download free demo version first that meets all your desired needs before going to buy the license. In case demo version fails to work accurately, please feel free to email or call anytime to our technical supports team to resolve the matter.


Our Guidelines Regarding Refund Policy

Regain Technologies is the pioneer in the market with over millions of satisfied customers. We developed, used and tested all our software products ourselves in a way that can deliver recovery, conversion, migration with 100% success rate without any problem. We have very clear and easy money refund policy. We will immediately process your order for refund without delay, if you fulfill our following guidelines given below –

Full Refund Policy doesn’t work if

If you have mistakenly purchased the wrong software or want to buy another product from us, it may be possible for you to exchange the product or ask for refund for that particular purchased product.


How to Get Refund?

Customers can email us for a refund. We provide direct refunds to our customers on their credit card that they used last time when purchasing our software product. You are issued a refund within 15 to 30 days; it will appear on your credit card statement, so you can check your credit card statement.

Secure100% Safe & SECURE
SupportLifetime Support (24X7)
Moneyback GuaranteeMoney Back Guarantee
Trust ImageTrusted by Millions Worldwide